We’re not going to lie, we never thought there’d come a time when we would utter the words, “These are the best spring sandals and we like them as much as our heels.” But after a spring spent in nothing but flats, we’re starting to see that there is life after heels. And while we’d never completely commit to entering into a full time relationship with flats, we’re willing to entertain the notion that a girl can have the best of both worlds.
That’s because there are some situations that just don’t lend themselves to heels. Like a pool party or afternoon cocktails on a friend’s lawn, should we ever be able to go to pool parties and afternoon cocktails again. Ball games call for a spring sandal or sneakers. And a spring/summer dinner with friends can be the perfect time to break out a sparkly pair of spring sandals.
But if you’re going to replace your heels with sandals, you’re going to need a steady rotation of spring sandals that are as dazzling as those teetering heels you’re known for wearing. So dive in to some of the best spring sandals out there.
Sorry if you end up wanting them all. Actually, we’re not. Go ahead and order as much as your budget allows. Your feet will thank you even if your heels will be scowling from their new home in a dusty corner of your closet.